Business Companion services for Small and Start-up businesses
Proximity Marketing
1-on-1 Startup support
Share ideas and get insight
Create a plan
Develop step by step strategies
Find resources & connections
Get funding
Design your brand
Get paid – Patronage System
Don't just start any business, this will leave you burnt out, demotivated and ultimately lead to failure. A prime example are entrepreneurs in the Network Marketing/MLM industry. We start with new companies ever so often, catch the shiny new object syndrome and then nothing seems to lead us to leaving that 9-5. We sometimes like to call it "multiple streams of income" but it should be considered more "multiple streams of incompletion". We lack the passion for these programs that we promote and keep chasing the next, thinking it will be The One to make us wealthy. If we don't stop NOW and follow our own passion, we will forever be doing the chase until its too late.
My Business Companion encourages entrepreneurship and can be used to help any business; Startup to Growing, to create the business of their dreams.
If you have a passion, we'll focus on that passion. If you're feeling alone and unsupported in the things that you really like to do, try the services of a Business Companion.
No, we are not your business partners and we don't want any shares in your Company. Whether trying to start a new business or already running one we can be there for you as your muse and companions in planning, designing and proximity marketing. We will brainstorm together to come up with ideas and solutions for your goals. Need assistance with funding? We have a rewards system that incentivizes hard work; the work you put into your own company, project or interest and a Patronage System that gets you donations.
Use My Business Companion and access all our services at any time plus discounts on our Personal Companion and Companion Express services.
My Business Companion

We don't give advice; we actively work with you as if we're on your team.
For Start-ups
All services listed above
Proximity Marketing with UBER/LYFT NYC
Business/Project listing in our Patronage System
Automatic entry for Membership Giveaways up to $50,000
Unlimited email support
For Small Business
Customized support depending on your needs
Brand Optimization
Proximity Marketing with UBER/LYFT NYC
Proximity Marketing Campaign design
Business/Project listing in our Patronage System
Automatic entry for Membership Giveaways up to $50,000
Unlimited email support
Value: $750 Start-up +
$250 monthly
Your cost: $225 Start-up + $50 monthly. Click the button below to become a My Business Companion member.

In person, at home, at your office or any place of your choice to meet up, a personal business companion will dedicate time and individual expertise to assist with your interest.
Office planning and decorating
Shop with you for office/store furniture etc.
Storefront Staging/Decorating
Inventory Setup
Register Setup
Operations Setup
Value: $80 per hour
Member Discount: $50 per hour

Do It for You Services:
Business Plan
Logo Design
Website Design
Print Design
Online Marketing
Member Discount 40%